Tuesday, March 24, 2009

wow.. today at the counselling session realli damn high.. heated arguements... but ironically, with giggles and laughter.. so not that bad right? Plus we had zi char after the thing.. yeah.. and i just realised, my hair on the right side suddenly grew quite fast this week. hmm.. lalalalalala.. red wine spa coming up after 11, exfoliator plus anti aging.. not bad a scrub.. oh yes, i wan to 'dehair' my legs also.. :Dand my arms. tmr is gonna be a bz day.. sch, den library.. and stuff.. i would be damn bz.. hmm my shoulder kinda hurt... i wonder y.. i think i carry too many things yesterday.. i went to buy oranges, dragon fruit, watermelon, lemon, grapes, prunes, big bone, lol.. a lots of stuff and i carried them all by my own.. yeah.. cause of the shoulder ache.. damn man.. haven pay bill yet.. 171 bucks.. die.. wait for money ba.. :D i wan to buy a psp.. damn man.. entertainment.. i can't believe i sold my psp away the other time just to get a new phone.. damn.. long time nv see my lynn lynn already.. dunno how she's doing, gotta do ot today so couldn't meet her. sian..so bored.. dunno wad to do tmr.. will decide later.. oh yes.. i finished watching all the ep of dark angel:D not a bad story line.. shall look for more to watch.. but exam's coming!! lol jia you.. cannot fail!! I WUN FAIL!! TAKE IT YOU BITCH LASALLE! hmph! lalalalala.. you are so going DOWN! i WILL OWN U! FEN U WATCH OUT! lol..

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