Monday, December 08, 2008

i had a very korean dinner of bbq beef and pork.. ginseng soup..

What is love?
Is it the attraction between 2 people? Is it a strong affection or what? What is love actually? When you say I love you, what does it realli mean? Do you say it for the fun of it? Do u say it because u feel something for that person? Is it possible for 2 ppl to fall in love at first sight? Or is it just affetuoso? Can love be nutured between 2 strongly attracted people? Or is there love already, just that it was not discovered? This is the 21st century.. should girls make the 1st move? or should the guys? yes or not... yeah.. girls.. ask and it shall be given.. but sometimes.. ask and it will hit u 2 times worse.. lol.. so.. ask or not to ask.. to be or not to be? should I or should I not? Am i even allowed to? Why are people so afraid to confess their love? rejection.. isn't it? Well if u are rejected.. just take it as the its not heaven's will and move on!.. if you gt accepted den.. good job! See? you got him right? always take the initiative.. as you know girls... some guys are just plain shy and maybe waiting for your move! you dun try.. you wun know.. but girls.. always be yourself.. dun try to cover up or be anyone else..if you're a bitch, be a bitch and stop acting like an angel.. so they guy who loves you will love you for whom you realli be yourself.. and look for signs that the guy if into you.. collect enough evidence den boom! Ask him how he feels about you... lol.. but its easy to say but hard to do.. yeah i know.. type until my finger tired lo.. see yall next time.. toodles!

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